Nordic walking is one of the most effective and safe physical activities and an ideal form of recreation that maintains endurance and physical condition. It is simple, pleasant and suitable for all age groups. There is a lot of advanced technology in the northern region, so you can stop the intensity of your work. We make sure that the groups are always adapted to the different levels of knowledge and endurance of the trainees.
Why choose Nordic walking for exercise?
- Improves aerobic endurance, physical mobility and strength
- strengthens the respiratory and cardiovascular systems,
- reduces pain in the back, arms and shoulders,
- contributes to a healthier, more upright body posture.
- It is suitable for all age groups, both younger and older generations.
What we need?
- Sports clothes (hiking pants, windstopper,…)*.
- Sun cream*, hat*.
- Sports shoes (trekking shoes, running shoes) *.
Shoes for the hills or breeders are not suitable. Footwear must be suitable for activities that are carried out in nature and on the terrain where the activity is carried out (running shoes, trekking shoes or hiking shoes, but we must make sure that they are not too high, as this would prevent the correct technical execution of Nordic walking).
- Glavni del opreme so palice, kjer moramo biti pozorni na:
- appropriate length of hiking poles
- the quality of the materials from which the poles are made,
- loop handle design.
- Water
- Good will
You can rent poles for Nordic walking from us.
Clothing must be sporty, light and suitable for outdoor activities.
*suitable, depending on weather conditions
Requests for Nordic walking courses are accepted at